Monday, April 18, 2016

more than surrendering to Christ

"As we progress into  the grace walk we must move beyond surrender...intimacy with the Lord Jesus will become the consuming passion of your life."  (Steve McVey, in his book: Grace Walk, pgs. 122-123)

abiding and humility

"What opens the abiding door is  humility, and what closes it is pride."  (Michael Wells, in his book Sidetracked in the Wilderness, page 115.

Friday, April 15, 2016

freedom and spirituality

"Freedom will not make us any more or less spiritual than imprisonment.  Spirituality comes from a simple recognition that we have nothing."  Michael Wells, Day 104 in My Weakness for His Strength.

Jesus and freedom

Christianity is the only "religion" that uses the word "freedom."  Maintaining a religious system is impossible.  However, Jesus is not a "religion"; with Him we have a RELATIONSHIP.  Well, amen.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

faith leads to hope

"Faith leads to hope, while unbelief begets hopelessness."
     Michael Wells, in his book: Heavenly Discipleship
       ( available from Abiding Life Ministries Int'l, )

abiding life blog available

check out my blog on Michael Wells' book: My Weakness for His Strength @ "Living Life With a Capital "C".

you can  sign up in top right corner to receive weekly emails of new posts.

wrong focus

"Focusing on 'values' and a value system drives an obsession with 'right' & 'wrong' (tree of knowledge of good & evil)...and makes people self-conscious instead of God-conscious."  (Steve McVey, in his book Grace Walk)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

new blogspot...general info and views

Welcome to a new blog where  I  will share recent news and views on "Life As A Christian, with Christ in us...our hope" as they come to Lee McDowell Christian Ministries.  Look forward to enjoying Jesus with you!