Instead of
trying New Year’s Resolutions this year, why not try JPS?
Well, most are
familiar with GPS, Global Positioning System.
It gives you a specific location based on time and known position of GPS
specialized satellites. That’s great IF
you are looking to know where you are, or you know the specific coordinates of
where you want to go. BUT…what if you
don’t have the specifics of the latter?
That is the
specialty of JPS. JESUS POSITIONING SYSTEM. There are three basic verses that give all we
need to know of WHERE WE ARE TO BE, and HOW TO GET THERE…
3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, lean not to thine
understanding, but acknowledge HIM in all you do…and HE will direct thy paths.”
4:13, “I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me.”
4:19, “My God shall supply all your need according to HIS riches in Christ
How is your life working out for you now?
Try the JESUS POSITIONING SYSTEM for a better way!
Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 633244 Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-5696