Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Life is all about IDENTITY

what Life is all about…IDENTITY

Do you remember the theme song for the TV program, “CSI”?  “Who, who, who, who, who are you?”  Very catchy.  Very critical for the team to find out the “identity” of the person, so they could then try to solve the crime.

Guess what?  I have found many Believers DON’T KNOW “who they are” as Christians.  This lack of “identity” is crucial.  It leads to so many errors of understanding, analogy, and ultimately: action.

Think about it…IF you had been born into a different family than the one you “know” you were born into, how would that affect your thinking, your interaction with others, and your actions?

Christians who have no clue about any of this “Identity” issue could have definite, powerful, life-changing moments upon learning their truthful “Identity” as a Christian.  SO…more on this at another time.  In the meantime, start thinking about this, and do a little research on your own about this “Identity” matter.  And, start listing some things God shows you from His Word that apply to you and your “Identity” as a Christian.

By the way, do you know HOW you got your “Identity”?

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Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
There is nothing the presence of Christ can’t overcome
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696