Monday, December 7, 2020

God's order of believing and Faith

God's Truth ... we believe God ... God gifts His Faith. This is God's order.

Scriptural Faith - being a gift from God (Romans 12:3), fruit of Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), CAN NEVER FAIL. It is impossible to separate God and His Faith. Failure in our life only comes from our not believing God.

We do not need to "get more faith" as if it is some effort we make, etc. We just need to "believe God." Then He gifts us with His Faith.

God gives us His Faith to solidify our believing/make certain, remove any unbelieving of a particular believing. We first believe God, then His Faith makes certain we never fail to "believe." That is the gift/fruit of God Himself/His Faith.

Just remember, anytime we are reading Scripture and we see the word "faith," it should remind us that this is God, God's Faith, a gift of God Himself for our Life in Him.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Victorious LIFE as a Saint


     A victorious Life as a Saint must begin with knowing more Truth other than just the forgiveness of sins. We must know His LIFE has been exchanged for our old life. This Truth can only come through Divine revelation. This Truth can only come from the Lord Himself.

     Scriptural facts can be known by anyone. Scriptural Truth can be known only by Saints. This is the parabolism of the entire Holy Scriptures. We must know Scriptural Truths to enjoy a victorious LIFE as a Saint.

     And finally, it is when the Scriptural Truths become His LIFE Lived through our earthsuit that we enjoy the victorious LIFE as a Saint.

     It is when the written Word of God becomes the Living Word to us. It comes through the Holy Soul, a Spiritual wisdom and revelation through the knowledge of Christ. This is known as “God talks us into it.” Once we have Seen Truth (been talked into it by God through Divine revelation), no person can talk us out of it. It IS ours! We ae assured of His blessed Truth.

     With more Divine revelation, Saints can turn to more praises and less prayers asking for what we already have! It is like a Spiritual awakening to what we already possess.

     However, many function with a form of Spiritual blindness…which can be only by 2 reasons: (1) lack of Divine revelation, (2) lack of believing and receiving the Divine Truth (not receiving the Divine revelation).

     Read and study the Holy Scriptures looking for God to give you Spiritual Truth through Divine revelation. Then trust God to activate His LIFE of Truth in your earthsuit. We rest in His promise to LIVE His Truth through us. No stress, no strain, no struggling. He does all the work.

     Well, amen.

Legalistic Saints and self-appointed fruit inspectors


Legalistic Saints are the most self-focused, self-centered, self-expressing people on the face of this planet. Sadly, it is not so much that they are trying to be good Christians… it is that they have to be. All the rest of the legalistic Saints are self-appointed fruit inspectors checking for the fruit in each other!

The favorite verses of legalistic Saints are Matthew 7:16 10, Ye shall know them by their fruits… Two verses that have nothing to do with Saints, but are speaking of false prophets.

Ask any fruit inspector what fruit they are looking for, and they typically say, Well, you know. If they name any, it will be some works they say the Scriptures tells us to do. But here is the kicker: not one mention of Galatians 5:22-23, where God tells us explicitly what fruit of the Holy Spirit is.

Beware of legalistic Saints and self-appointed fruit inspectors.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


See Holy Spirit - Feel Holy Spirit - Trust Holy Spirit

All in the Soul of Holy Spirit...

Not Changing Christianity


I am not trying to change Christianity. God forbid. But, the Truth of Christianity has brought changes to this earthsuit. Just as He did in 1980, and He continues to reveal Himself.


I would rather talk WITH people about Truth than to talk TO them about Truth.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The mind - physical or spiritual?


It is one of the most overlooked fundamental Christian Truths that a Saint has 3 minds to deal with. One is the physical mind that all beings are physically born with (in our earthsuit). It thinks about the physical things of this earth...nothing spiritual.

However, all beings are physically born with a spiritual nature and spiritual soul (small "s" in both cases, for the spirituality of the curse of mankind after the Fall of Adam & Eve). The spiritual soul possesses a spiritual mind along with a spiritual set of emotions and a spiritual will. The "sum" of the actions of these there compose the spiritual heart of fallen man.

When a sinner is Born Again, a 3rd mind enters the picture. The new creation gets an additional Soul (capital "S" for the Spirituality of the new creation at the new birth) with the Mind of God, the Emotional Set of God, the Will of God, with the "sum" being the Heart of God. 

Where we do not think of the parts of the earthsuit that are eternal as truthfully being a spiritual entity, we miss the impact of the 2 trees from the Garden of Eden upon our days.

Ex: Again and again, God refers to the natural or carnal mind in opposition (enmity) with the Mind of God.  These are both "spiritual" minds.

Q – when a person dies the physical (earthsuit) death, do they quit thinking? No. The spiritual life is eternal (either in Heaven or hell). No one gets a “new physical brain” when they physically die…the spiritual mind lives on in the person’s new suit in their new location,  in whatever spiritual status they are then.

When Saints begin to think and speak Spiritual instead of physical or out of the residue spiritual, we might be able to communicate the Spiritual things we want sinners to hear.

p.s. and to muddle the water a little more, we must consider the "2 part" of the natural mind...the knowledge of "good" and "evil." 

That gives us a lot to think about, doesn't it?!? (just keep up with what mind you are in!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Close to God?

      People talk about wanting to be "close to God" (or, speak of "not being/feeling close to God"). But Truth is "the presence of God is IN every Saint 100% of the time...24/7." If God is not IN you, you are not one of His kids/Saints per Romans 8:9:

"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His."

Vine and Husbandman are same Person

 I love John chapters 15, 16, & 17. Remarkable words of parabolism that bring joy in the Soul of God in me.

Starting with 15:1...the Vine and the Husbandman are the same Person. Let that soak in until God gives you that Truth.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries

P. O. Box 633244
Nacogdoches, TX 75963


twitter: truth_grace2020

4 books in last 2 years

 It has been a while since my last post on this blog. Simply because the time has been spent getting four books published!

book 1 - Seagulls Don't Life! - So many life-changing Truths God has brought my way through several wonderful Saints. Discover how the seagulls signal to a fisherman the tasty fish below the water's surface. Then discover how God's reality can become your reality.

book 2 - God's Words Bring Life - 52 Life Verses where the Life of Christ comes alive.  An excellent tool for personal discipleship or for sharing Truth with someone else.

book 3 - all i want is JESUS! - Are you enjoying all that God's LOVE can be for you? Are you enjoying all that God's GRACE can do for you? Are you enjoying all that God's SOUND MIND can think for you? Are you enjoying all that God's SHEPHERDING can direct and provide for you? 13 brief chapters for each section featuring how each can change your life with God.

book 4 - The Images of God & Man - Have you ever seen a Scriptural picture of God in Heaven, Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, or Saints in Heaven? These and 11 other diagrams give some Truth that many Saints have never seen.

As of today, all four books are available on through KDP. The first 3 are available in print or eBooks. The fourth is available in print now...eBook soon.