Thursday, September 13, 2018

"Make" vs "Set"

what Life is all about…

“Make” vs “Set”
     The issue of what John 8:32 and 8:36 truthfully say has come up…  Virtually all translations, except for the KJV, say “set free.”  KJV says “make free.”  There is a huge difference in those two statements.
     Now keep in mind, that ever since the Garden of Eden, our enemy has been after one thing with all his might: “yea, hath God said?”  Diversion, dilution, deletion, disdain, distrust, distraction…any way he can get God’s children to doubt or deviate from the Word(s) of God.  This is the effort of some to use subtlety to get Christians to deviate and to use faulty or false translations.  Without going into that battle once more, let me give you a simple illustration to show the falsehood of “set free” in those verses.
     Let’s say someone has committed a crime.  For a good picture, think back to the old western movies when an outlaw’s compadres would tear out the window of the back of the jail, blow a hole in the back wall, or simply come into the front with guns drawn and “set” the jailed outlaw “free.”  Was the outlaw completely and permanently “free,” or just removed from the jail?  But, IF a judge, or jury, or Governor reversed the verdict or pardoned the outlaw, the outlaw was “made free,” no longer with any guilt hanging over his head.  See the huge difference?
     Jesus has MADE us Believers FREE from ANY GUILT.  In fact, God has said, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ…” (Romans 8:1).  Would you rather be “set free,” basically temporarily, OR “made free” permanently?
     This is an example of one of many very subtle tools our enemy uses in perverted translations.  Those WALKING IN THE SPIRIT and TESTING THE SPIRITS will know the difference by the grace of God, in due time, with good fellowship with Holy Spirit.
     Don’t you really want to know if you absolutely have THE Word of God in your hands?

p.s. anytime you see “truth” in Scripture, you can substitute “Jesus” and still be handling Truth.

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Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
There is nothing the presence of Christ can’t overcome
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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