Thursday, April 5, 2018

Mapquest, GPS, or JPS?

which do you use the most???

Our good Christian friend, Beverly Mills Engelhardt, recently sent a writing from a pastor I had heard of years ago through Michael Wells…Bill Loveless, Boerne, TX.  Bill’s writing had given a picture and discussion of life being more like using Mapquest (which is usually used to tell you a “route” to take to get to a place) or GPS (which give you a location of a place on a map) for directions in life.  It is a good devotional.  However, as I recently posted, our friend in Pennsylvania, Tom Hagen, whom God gave the idea of JPS – Jesus Positioning System – speaks of how He sees Jesus putting him in the right place at the right time, all the time.  Beautiful!

Yes, it is practical for Believers to use the technology of GPS or Mapquest (or, any other map technology…they are phenomenal, aren’t they?!?) to navigate from Point A to Point B, or to locate some business/point on a map that we are interested in.  BUT, the bigger question is this: WHY are we looking for a particular spot or business?  WHY do we want to know the “way” to somewhere on the map?  The “WHY” is because of The WAY…our Lord Jesus Christ.  He knows WHY He wants us to be someplace, WHERE that someplace is that He wants us to be, WHEN He wants us to be there, HOW we are to get there, and WHAT He wants to do through us at that particular someplace.  WOW!

Check out Proverbs 3:5-6 and 16:9 for clarification of WHO is determining the “why, where, when, how, and what”…and IS The Real Way.  Need more “proof”?  Here’s a couple of instances in history.  Check out the stories in Genesis ch.37 thru ch.50, culminating with verses 50:19-20, AND Acts ch.16, particularly vs. 6-11.

GPS & Mapquest are good.  Nothing beats JPS.  Well, amen! 

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Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
There is nothing the presence of Christ can’t overcome
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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