Thursday, March 29, 2018

Impossible to become a Christian by...

why do Unbelievers try to become a Christian by “being good,” imitating the life of Christ?

Is it because the Saints have not done a good job of sharing some simple truths of God’s plan of salvation?

Listen, it is impossible for an Unbeliever to become a Christian with any other “action” other than believing.  That’s why the New Testament stresses so much about the Saints being Believers.  And for sinners to “believe.”

But also, trying to imitate the life and example of Christ while still clothed in their sinfulness (result of being physically born “in Adam”), sinners are trying to put holiness into sinfulness…God will not have that.

The only way a sinner can be Born Again is by the death of Jesus.  John 12:23-24 gave the illustration of the corn of wheat, a parable of His death and resurrection and bringing forth “fruit” (Born Again Believers).

This is the heart of the “Easter story” and the Resurrection!

Need more info?  Call or write/email me, and I will be happy to answer any questions.

Lee McDowell Christian Ministries
There is nothing the presence of Christ can’t overcome
P.O. Box 633244   Nacogdoches, TX 75963              936-559-5696

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